
Восстановление данных на жестких дисках и флеш-накопителях USB.

1500-3000 руб.

(в зависимости от сложности)

Удаление вирусов и шпионских программ 450 руб.
Настройка сети 600 руб.
Ремонт ЖК-монитора 600 руб.
Ремонт настольного компьютера или ноутбука 600 руб.
Сборка компьютера или сервера на заказ 900 руб. за один компьютер
Установка программ, обучение и поддержка 900 руб. в час
Оптимизация производительности операционной системы 600 руб.
Заправка картриджа для струйного принтера 150 руб.
Заправка картриджа для лазерного принтера 750 руб.






Smart, effective and profitable solutions for medium and small business. 

My company and our Partners today jointly announced the signing of agreement.

My company offers an excellent benefit program to our employees.



About us


 John Doe

General Director


 Jessica Stone

Project Manager


 Mark Bates


We continually strive to be a great company. My company is committed to providing high-quality products and services to our customers.

My company conducts research and participates in a number of initiatives to constantly develop our sector of the industry and to contribute to society. My company is implementing a strategy to accelerate growth through innovation, and strengthening organizational and associates' capabilities. My company continuously seeks to develop technologies and products that will have a greater impact on workers' safety.





We work for your worlwide success!

Our company continuously seeks to develop technologies that will have a greater impact on safety.


I highly recommend you to anyone!

You are so professional and polite, and did a great job! Keep it on, never stop and do your best! 

— Mark Smith, CEO of Smart Technology